Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
It wasn’t Put out by Clemson - it is a fan page.
It was posted on their Instagram. I’ve never seen a lax school promote what girls are coming to see their program before. If it’s happened in the past, then I’m wrong…I find it very strange that they would list the girls coming. I know clubs have specifically told their players to not talk about who they are talking to.
Why not advertise it, what exactly is the harm? Other college sports like football and basketball and have been for years.
I think it's tacky and also does a disservice to the girls IMO. No lax team has done it before. It's on thing for a Clemson fan page to post, but for Clemson Lax to advertise on their Instagram page with details of players is tacky. We know that one girl on the list committed to them immediately - congrats to her.

Tacky? You think it’s tacky? Run on back to your country club for some smelling salts because someone has the vapors! Get a grip, princess.
WOW, what a grown up response to someones OPINION. You obviously need to get a grip if someones OPINION gets you this worked up