Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Heroes looked good this week. Beat Prime Time again, who beat NXT and only lost to my daughters team by 1 last week. Kids coming back from injury. They’ll be fine.

Loved the way the team played this weekend finally getting healthy and playing as a team great wins vs Grizzlies mass E played great first half vs YJ until,we turned the ball over and allowed the one girl #1 who literally scored or assisted every goal to beat us Great battle with Skywalkers but could do without the drama These kids are all friends parents need to check themselves can not believe it’s almost over

Chill! This is a big summer for all of these girls and nobody wants to see kids get hurt especially to the point that takes them out of big games with lots of coaches present. People get heated. It’s ok. Apologies were made and things are ok. Parents on both teams are good people.