Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Notre Dame

All better recruiting classes than MD

Better in what respect? i think UNC, Syracuse and Clemson probably are, and possibly Notre Dame... but not seeing what criteria you are using for the others to call them better


Yes, thanks... you proved my point, that shows MD as the 5ht or 6th best recruiting class (and that ranking doesnt even account for the fact that one of their commits is a 4-star, but not recognized as a 4-star in the calc)

You have to take these player rankings with a major grain of salt. Think of all the resources high school & college football has in ranking prospects and how much they miss on these kids. Does girls lax even have 5% of the resources? How can it possibly accurate? Its not that accurate folks.

Sure, top players are typically top players but you get outside the top 20, good luck, and to assign recruiting classes based on that? That's wild.

That's kind of the point, right? The ratings are just a snap-shot in time, RIGHT NOW! This class doesnt even get to school for 2 more years. You're going to have both ends of the spectrum, where girls outside the rankings rise to the top; and girls who are overhyped at the top don't end up panning out. Let alone how they will mesh with the rest of their team, if they even get playing time at all.