Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Powderfinger
True, though, that it would be great for LI Lax if there were local tournaments attended by the local clubs. Refresh my memory, what happened with the Elite tournament? Why was it not well attended?
The Elite Showcase was well attended on the coaching side (approximately 25 institutions represented) and the team count (approximately 75-80 teams) was below the total capacity by a slight amount. The Yellow Jackets teams accounted for about 25 of the total teams.

The Long Island teams (non-Yellow Jackets) that attended included these : Long Island Raiders, Long Island Express, Smithtown, Team 91, Huntington, Nor'Easter, Hauppauge, Premier, Farmingdale, and Long Island Pride. Even with these clubs, the number of attending teams were limited.

Our point is that teams like the Long Island Liberty and Top Guns to name two just chose not to attend. Our question is why would these franchises not attend this showcase opportunity? When BOTC made personal calls, we were told that the money was only helping the Yellow Jackets program, the attending coaches were not of interest, the tournament was "too expensive", and that the clubs had other plans.

The fact remains that the off-Island representation at our own home town recruiting event was stronger than the local support. For a full listing of the teams involved, access the following link : Long Island Elite Showcase Schedule (PDF Format)

I'll tell you what I heard. I did not experience this firsthand so consider it hearsay, but those who told me believed it. The feeling is that Carol Rose manipulates the schedules to favor YJ. If YJ is initially scheduled to play a tougher, more competitive team, then perhaps there is a schedule change so that team plays consecutive games so they don't reach the YJ teams fresh.

Is it true? I have no idea. But apparently the belief alone could be enough to keep clubs from the Elite tournament.

<now settling back to watch the fireworks>