Sorry, not the original poster. Responding to your post not my own.

You are so bitter that you can not even see it. Your negative resentful attitude shows through in all that you write. Love the way that you paint with such a broad brush regarding the girls committed to Stanford and their parents. I didn't realize they are all one and the same. Bravo to you if your daughter has the same myopic self limiting views as you. You have done a wonderful job as a parent. What went wrong in your life?

No, my daughter is not committed to Stanford nor was she recruited or offered a spot and or scholarship there.

Congratulations to your daughter, she must be a great student and one [lacrosse] of a lacrosse player if Stanford is offering. Shame on you if your bitterness prohibits you from offering sound counsel. Yes, I know Stanford is not the only game in town and I realize that it is not a good fit for everyone. However, I would hate to see someone not give careful consideration due to limiting thoughts or preconceived notions.

Some say the sport/sideline has become toxic. I would say that many toxic parents have found a nesting place. Avoid them as if they had the plague.

I truly feel for the children of such bitter resentful parents. Life can be challenging enough without the dead weight of negative influences.[/quote]

Nice try. Not the original poster either. But that dude called you out and was right on. Stanford parents are the epitome of that toxic sideline. And you are right there lecturing away w them. You know best ... of course.