I am completely at a loss as to why all these parents think CR has any real ability to influence anything and why they throw money at her as if it is the only way for their daughters to advance in lacrosse. Here are some realities:

The coaching at YJ is no better, often times worse, than coaching at other clubs.

The reason YJ is good is because on LI many of the better athletes choose lacrosse from an early age, whereas in other parts of the country, they choose other sports. And YJ had a first mover advantage in establishing its brand. Does anyone really think all these great players come out of the program because of the program/coaching?

It is quite simple to have your daughter recruited to the places she would like to go as long as she is qualified athletically and academically. The CRs of the world would like you all to think otherwise. It's like real estate or buying a car these days w the internet and resources like edmunds or zillow. There are plenty of sources of information and avenues to access the necessary tools and relationships.

So while CR and her ilk want everyone to continue to believe that she is some kind of gatekeeper with power and influence, you all can happily ignore if you like. If, instead, you want to pay her gobs of money, your choice. Just don't be fooled into thinking you have to.