Originally Posted by Anonymous
AGE BASED TEAMS AT YOUTH LEVEL..What has happened to youth Lacrosse with the gaming the system for select children. This is awful and goes against the intent of youth sports.

Look at how soccer enforces age with a simple card system . They have many more players than lacrosse yet have no problem with age.

Grade base is destroying the integrity of youth Lacrosse. ENFORCE AGE USL. School is where grade based teams should be.

This is a critical issue for US Lacrosse to deal with. The advent of "grade based" rather than "age based" teams together with the rampant practice of "reclassifying" (in other words holding back kids) for the sole reason of getting an advantage of playing older, more physically mature (i.e. heavier and taller) against younger players has created an unsafe and absurd situation with 14 and in some cases 15 year olds playing against 12 year olds.