Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
For all the hardo dads and Megatron Karen moms on the 2028 board, I'm pleasantly surprised how little private school peacocking occurred in the runup to IAC and MIAA applications. Compared to past years on BOTC there's hardly any (either fake or lied to) brags about how Braxton got offered a full ride to 5 MIAA schools, but he's gonna stay public." Then of course it's radio silence on admissions day.

Well done, parents, but also.....boooooooooring.

Are there any big standout athletes in the DMV for 2028 going into this spring/summer?

Yes. My son.

This is all rank speculation until March, but for the DMV here’s how I guess the lacrosse classes shake out.

1. Landon. Already has a deep bench of strong players from NL and DCE and to a lesser extent now Madlax. It will likely be the strongest 28 class.

2. Prep. Seems like a lot of the Mater Dei players are leaning Prep over Gonzaga but we will see in March.

3. Gonzaga. A decent number of 28 players have ties to Gonzaga so I’d expect them to stock up on some good players.

4. SJC. Seems like maybe a down year for them recruiting wise, but I’d never count out Speaks.

5. Bullis. Small number of players, but some stars - big NL goalie, etc. are here.

6. Good Counsel. From 26 on down Good Counsel getting many more lacrosse players than the used to. I’d expect them to eventually pass PVI as the third best team in the WCAC based on their trend in recruiting.

7. St. Albans. Hearing Heeter might be bringing in a couple of NL kids and there are already a couple of players in house. Nothing like there 23 class, but solid for STA if this pans out.