This absolutely is growing the game. The illinois boys have never had the opportunity to play high level spring lacrosse. Illinois does not play club in the spring kids are forced to play rec ball for three months with kids that have never picked up a stik or only pick it up in spring. The best team in our spring league coud not compete in HoCo b division..While this is great for trying to grow the sport it is not so great for the 5% of boys that want high level lacrosse. The lacrosse landscape is not the same in illinois and northeast. You should feel blessed that you don't have to travel to get great competition for your kids. The boys that are coming out practice more than any kid should but they live and breath lacrosse. They go back after the game with pen and paper and analysis the game they just played. They are honored to be playing in this league with so much talent. detest true if you want but please leave the boys out of it and let them enjoy the experience. See you next Saturday