Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Weekend Recap:

Bad weekend in Madlaxland, 0-2 and throttled by FCA and Hawks. Both of those teams playing their 2s and 3s late in 2nd half.

FCA Rolls

Hawks beat True National and Madlax in a double header. Great weekend for them.

Crabs, Next Level, and True fighting for the 4th playoff spot. Next weekend will be interesting!

ML defense exposed. Attack is non-existent. Only threat is the often discussed middie, but stranded on a fading team. Doubt they beat either Crabs or Fly-ins from True. Certainly not as much DC talent across the board with all 3 teams at 2028 as with the 24’s… and by far the most talented is this ML import from Richmond. Coach is still a piece of work.

Madlax, number 47 is no longer heads and shoulders above the rest. He is just an average player now. Didn’t even score against us yesterday, not sure he got more than one shot at the cage. Their attack look like they’re 2030s. Only spot they have improved is Fogo, but everywhere else they have dropped off significantly. Coach is still a clown.

Not sure what game you watched. Kid hit the post 3 times and missed cage on a number of other occasions, was a constant threat and was being triple teamed with slides all game because Hawks coach knows what he's doing. They have nothing else.

#47 Dad - You don't get credit for shooting and missing. Sorry, no sympathy for a kid playing down who is now average amongst kids a year younger.

Reality is a hard pill to swallow.

Doubt his old man on this forum, laid back about it all. Sat with us all FCA game. Didn’t even cheer when his kid scored on us. Madlax is in decline no doubt.

Not a Hawks or Madlax parent but I've interacted with 47's dad a few times, seems like a chill guy. IMO 47 isn't as dominant as he was last year but he's still pretty exceptional. Just doesn't have as much of a size advantage anymore as other kids are growing as well. Everybody relax, it's a blessing to be playing this sport at this level, tons of parents and kids would kill to switch places with all of us. It'll be over next spring and we'll all prob miss it a little, as fool as it can get.