Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by WillRobinson
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by WillRobinson
Parachuting in here against common sense and sage advice...

I'm one of two Hawks 2028 Goalie dads. My son was new to the program this year and loved making new friends and learning how to compete. I gather there's some speculation that perhaps my wife is posting here. It's obvious someone has an agenda, and I appreciate those who have at least tried to dismiss that person. If you knew my wife you would know how ridiculous it is to suggest she's on here; it's a new low, even for an anonymous message board. Her work as an on-call CNM and general indifference to sports makes her one of the least engaged lacrosse parents out there.

Scrolling through here and seeing her disparaged is disgusting. If anyone wants to discuss our son I'm easy to find. Otherwise, please keep our family out of whatever game you are playing on these boards.

For the record, if our son is benched or cut we would welcome the opportunity to encourage him, as we've always done (including after Madlax's great win at NLF), to run to the roar and turn disappointment into fuel. He'll hopefully face bigger disappointments with higher stakes later in life and he'll need to be ready to be resilient and respond. If I thought he could better learn this lesson (and others) playing the oboe he'd be doing that instead.

Good luck to all the kids at tryouts and in the year ahead.

So the other goalie Mom told you about this poor little anonymous site and you come running in puffing your chest. Yes, you should have followed your common sense. Good luck with oboe.

Nope. I’m assuming you’re talking about the 27 mom. We’ve never met her and wouldn’t know her if she showed up at our doorstep. Good luck with whatever you’re trying to do here. I’m signing off. Hopefully you have the courage to approach me in person and clear the air of whatever issue you’re having with 6th grade lacrosse. I’m morbidly curious to know what it is assuming you’re not just someone trying poorly and unsuccessfully to sow hard feelings between good people whose sons try to stop a rubber ball from going into a net. Either way, I said my peace and won’t respond again.

I have no idea what the agenda is here, both goalies are very good and the coaches will pick the best one. Either way the 28 Hawks will easily have the 2 best goalies in 28

That point has been lost here. That the 2028 Hawks scored a bunch of holdbacks and are going to be even better. Great….

Better or older ?