"Be glad you weren't elite enough to get invited to NAL"..... This ML parent really should talk to their club owner/coach/not coach/current sideline heckler as to why DCE 28s weren't at NAL. Every other age group from DCE played NAL. Also, DCE has played in that tournament since its inception. CM threw a hissy fit and the other NAL partners agreed to his insanity for Fall NAL-only. So eventually, you will play us....but probably not in HOCO because it's a near certainty ML won't be in the elite division because they will lose every game.

Also, as for the ML upgrades....last time ML played Thunder with its old players we beat them by 10 or 11 goals and we never tied Sweetlax FL. The fact any ML parent would come on here and talk [Censored] after winning "Aloha" and going 0-2-1 at NAL is downright insane. Know your audience.