There are PLENTY of really solid players at NL and Madlax who will end up at BLC/DC Express over the next year or two. NL has way too many on the roster, and ML has plenty of issues from the top down. Don’t sleep on BLC. There wasn’t a single Elite level player on that team that, if he left, the team would be in shambles. By next Spring, they’ll be ready to compete[/quote]

Not to pick on a team that took a lot of poundings this spring and summer, but people said the same thing on here last summer, and then again in the fall, and then again in the spring . . .[/quote]
Not saying they’re gonna be good in the fall, but this is their last year as BLC— the conversion to DC Express will draw 7-10 legit players from Madlax, NL, and a player or two from under some rocks. They’ll be a legit Elite team a year from now. This coming fall and maybe HoCo— prob no better or worse than last 2 years[/quote]

The problem with this theory is that you could take the bottom 10 kids on NL and the bottom 10 kids on Madlax (all solid players) and create a team and it wouldn’t be competitive. It’s sad but true that the wins come from the top 8-10 players at most on those teams. The only path for BLC/DCE to get better is to hope to snag 27 holdbacks that become available, hope top NL or ML players become available for some reason, or unearth some new talent. Adding ML and NL kids not getting playing time won’t move the needle. Anyone with older boys can tell you this is how it plays out.