You make great points that I would totally support. Rec and township programs that are low cost are a great way to increase access. Speaking to high schools and colleges I realize there is quite a spectrum of quality of schools and students. What has been disappointing is to see a trend where 10-15 years ago you would have found a much greater representation of public school kids on every level of college roster including your top D1 teams. Today, there is a much smaller representation of public school kids on those rosters. There are many coaches who will not even look at a kids info if they are not from certain private schools (as told to me by a college coach). So there are many good players from excellent public high schools, with 4.0 GPA, and 1400+ SAT, who can’t get certain schools to even look at them. Then it becomes a community and reality only in certain communities. There is a strong myth in the lax world that only the smart and talented players are always “known” and rightfully scouted/discovered and there couldn’t possibly be any other talented players out there. I know a lot of people don’t care, but the sport could benefit from a lot more diversity of all kinds.