Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Truth? Truth is ML isn’t in as bad of shape as their trolls would like to think and DCE seems to be struggling. Tell me that isn’t the truth.

Honestly guy we all hope you're really happy at ML, because no one wants your particular brand of fool anywhere else.
Pretty funny. Madlax rolls over B and C teams in an Aloha event and they’re somehow flashing their gums at the kids who could really care less.

Meanwhile, they’ve chickened out from 2 chances to play DCE. What’s the problem, Madlax??? Why don’t you want to play DCE?? If you’re ever going to beat them, it would be right now when they’re trying to figure out who is who on the roster. Instead— you literally CHICKENED OUT from the opportunity to see theM this past Sunday (you signed up originally, then bailed out when DCE signed up) and then your clown coach pressured his guys at PrimeTime to blackball 13 year olds from NAL.

Your program is a clown show, and the harsh reality is coming. #TRUTH

Little goalie dad - is that you?

Pretty sure that it is a dad that left and went to DCE and now wants to prove himself by playing Madlax. If they do actually play each other, it will be ugly on both sides of the field...