Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
My son participated in LILJ College Bound last night. They mixed the grades together so there were times 8th graders going up against 6th graders in 1v1, 2v2, etc. drills. Good for the 6th graders as they get experience vs. bigger, stronger players. Not sure how much 8th graders benefit by going up against kids 2 years younger. Although my son said the 6th graders were mostly holding their own.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
My son participated in LILJ College Bound last night. They mixed the grades together so there were times 8th graders going up against 6th graders in 1v1, 2v2, etc. drills. Good for the 6th graders as they get experience vs. bigger, stronger players. Not sure how much 8th graders benefit by going up against kids 2 years younger. Although my son said the 6th graders were mostly holding their own.

Thanks for the information.

All of the above may be true. I would argue that their events are fun, good experience for the kids playing w others/meeting some coaches, and they promote well on social media which the kids enjoy. Every “showcase” is not equal but that doesn’t mean the less competitive ones [Censored]. If you’re looking for top competition this isn’t it. If you’re looking for recruiting you need to wait 2 years