Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Facts. The chart doesn’t lie. 2Way parent proving both their ignorance and the fact that their team is “old af” (that’s how the kids put it not me). But if little Johnny needs to feel good about himself with some wins before going to private school…2Way and LE are there to help build morale in older kids who need a lil boost before HS.

That’s exactly why I posted the link to the chart.
Pretty sad that they actually believe they are playing against fair completion when they play Long Island teams. That 2way parent won’t come back on here and say a word.

Again, I’m all for it because I want my son to play against the best competition. Makes him have to play hard.

I’m back on here. The chart says sept 1, which is what I said. I also said we have a few kids who are older. I also said the majority of our team played in the World Series this past summer so by every definition they are on age. Those are the facts. I can’t speak to leading edge, I know zero about them.

Here’s the facts none of you have addressed. If 2 way is only better because we are older why were we in the World Series championship game? In fact, why was it 2 CT teams (hat tip to Express North who won it all) in the championship if LI teams are so much better on-age.

Again, the facts don’t fit your narrative.

You’re just not getting it.
“For play occurring between September 01, 2023 - August 31, 2024” is the only reference of September 1st.
Nobody said Long Island teams are so much better. They aren’t. I was simply saying that based on the chart, which you should go read again so you understand it, the teams I listed would be playing in the 15u division and not the 14u division.
I’ll simplify it. If you went by the chart I posted, 95+% of Long Island teams would be 95+% eligible to play as a 14u team. The same can not be said for 2way. Which is why their current team competing this year may appear “head and shoulders” above everyone else.
Nobody is denying the talent level of your team, and express north for that matter.
I was simply referencing the comment made many posts back about how great they are.
This is getting old.
Good luck the rest of the year.