Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]sorry. 91 Titans.

What about 91 titans? Did they get a good team together?

Doesn't matter. The kids won't learn a thing.

Why do you say that? Did your son play for them last year?
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
sorry. 91 Titans.

What about 91 titans? Did they get a good team together?

It is the B team! What did you expect, they didnt tell you it was the Wolfpack. I think my son learned enough and I would expect that this year as the kids are ready for it they will give them more of what they can handle. Enjoy where ever you've gone, we'll see you on the field this summer, I think the team will get much better.

My son played with the Titans last year and got more out of the tournament games then anything else. We had 2 man up plays on his town team and on the Titans we had a man up formation. I am sure the coaches do much more this year because at the end the coaches learned the team wanted to learn and they did not push them at all. It was a shame because as a coach you need to push your players/parents (even in 2nd grade)limits of learning so you can determine how to teach them and they did not so that at all.

So B team means don't practice? Don't teach fast breaks or proper positioning on the field to you? We were treated and coached like a Z team. You stay with them, your son should be up to cradling by the end of next year. I don't accept that given the money and time we gave up. Sorry, I won't get sucked into any club team that doesn't teach or practice but jams their merchandise down my throat . [/quote]

What was it $700? My son already cradles, teaching that is your job before you get your son on one of these teams. And no one tried to sell me or you anything, you got what you paid for, if you wanted more, you could pay more. Go to Legacy or Igloo, you'll get plenty and pay plenty. Enjoy the sweatshirt. Geeeezeee