Originally Posted by Anonymous
There will be a lot of player movement - at every tournament here was always parents griping about playing time, coaching and other parents. I dont care what team you play for but you cant knock Hawks, 91, FCA, Crabs and the other Elite programs for being successful established clubs. 42-0 is impressive. Impressive was Diamondbacks beating LI and Philly teams. Impressive was Team 91 MD playing this summer

Am I the only parent who picks a team based almost entirely on how close the practice field is to my house?

I picked my kid’s club based solely on the tailgates. His team has great ones, so we are staying, because he’s 11 and at the age of 11, I don’t care about my kid having to be on a top club team. I care that he is consistently getting better on the field and his lax IQ is growing. That’s happening because even though we aren’t the Hawks or FCA or 91, we have good coaches who care about less about the team’s record and more about developing their players. So rock on Hawks, FCA and 91 benches. At least you get say you are on the team, right?

This is Maryland lacrosse, if your kid is 11 shouldn't he be playing 2027?


Ahhhh, you must be one of those PA, NY, NJ people still chewing on salty L's from summer tournaments

Of course any good Maryland MIAA prefirst or Holdback will be 2027 this year.at 11. And before you MIAA parents get your panties all knotted up over this, in the next 3 years there will be many public school and Private school players reclassing to join you. It is actually Hilarious the amount of people who rant and rave about " cheater holdbacks " and then do it themselves in 8th grade. Mark my words, some of these same people screaming the loudest now in 2026 class will be reclassing their child in 8th grade to 2027 !

And to you non prefirst/reclass/holdbacks parents, I will give you the advice that all good holdback parents give , You son will get better playing against older players ( of course they do not follow their own advice ).

And if you do not think doing a prefirst or holding your child back works, you are sadly mistaken. IT DOES !

Go to any top tournament loaded with college coaches ( Naptown, Crabfeast, NLF, etc ) , The Top (2020,2021) teams with the most college coaches on sidelines are generally loaded with Holdbacks/prefirsts.

Oh, And if you are not on a top team by 7th -8th grade. Your chances of making the team are slim to none later. Forget about even getting a look at 10th to 11th and 12th grade ( when coaches are looking ) if not on a top club team . Sorry, you will need to travel if a local top club isnt nearby. Just the way it is.

Advice from in the know . You will thank me later !