Originally Posted by Anonymous
football and soccer have this all figured out....

football and soccer have leagues that have administrations, rules and over-site - each tournament has its own rules, age based, grade based ect. and teams are constantly adding players - PAL is an example of a lacrosse league trying to do this, all kids register by grade and age, if a kid is too old for the grade by PAL definition they must prove grade with a report card or letter from the school but once the roster is set it is still up to the individual coach and PAL director to police themselves and most do but some still cheat, the only way to catch them is if you happen to know the illegal player and call the coach on it. Then the league can take the matter to a disciplinary level but by and large it is an impossible task. now try and take that to a 6 week summer team with no league to answer to and constantly changing rosters and I think it is an impossible task.