Why is it every time someone trying to promote their little ones, to be the best they can be at any age - they get critized!

If you claim to have older kids, have you seen these 3rd and 4th grade boys paying? If you did, you too would be commenting on their play. It is amazing how advanced they are since the 2016 boys were in 3rd or 4th. So dont say first child syndrome.

Another statement against your first child syndrome is, It seems not like first child syndrome but the opposite, many have older children and have perfect 20/20 hindsight of how they could have made the older child better and now will follow throught on the next sibling.

and by the way, why not teach a child to do their best (at what ever age) so when they get to MS they already have good work habits. Isnt that what we do with them when it comes to school.

I know 3-5th preps them for middle school, I know baseball does this, i know soccer does this!

So please stop critizing!

There are plenty of 3rd grade kids out there that can beat 4th and 5th grade teams and because their parents pushed them and took their time to help their child be the best they will take your sons spot on the HS team or better yet, will go to St A or Cham and get a better education than yours.

The experts say boys in 3rd grade do not have peripheral vision, sure they dont if they dont practice the need for it.