Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Refs are calling any horizontal extended stick. Record number of free positions I would imagine.

As they should, finally.

I agree this should be called more and I also think they need to start calling more offensive charges when girls shove through defenders that are holding their position with their stick in the right position (especially through multiple defenders). Girls needs to learn better ball movement, cutting to goal and off ball movement. Should be a great learning year.

The officiating is at an all time low. They don’t even know the rules, then hold up a running clock talking to each other because neither of them know what they are doing.

Yeah, would say that for the Skywalkers/M&D game, this was the issue more than yellow cards. Refs seemed utterly confused and ate up more than 10+ minutes of game time repeatedly debating one another's calls, overturning calls, and sometimes then reinstating calls. At no point were the girls allowed to just play.
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