Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Congrats to Coppermine. They have two exceptional players and with the new addition from MDU coming, those 3 will be something. Having said that, I wonder if the attackers for Coppermine will be charged a ticket for entry and just eat popcorn while those 3 dominate the ball? Iso, iso, iso. Everyone on here talks about recruiting, not sure how anyone gets seen if they are watching 3 girls take turns attacking cage and hanging out

This is not how that team plays. Variety of players score. Lots of goals on cuts, motion, and crisp passing. But yes, if you were coaching talent like they have, you might run a few iso plays too...come on.

Plus there are other functions than scoring goals on a lacrosse team. They have an outstanding draw taker, good defense, some great athletes that carry a big portion of the clears, and some good attackers who get in the mix. Very strong goaltending as well.

I know that most on this thread will continue to talk down the team that they have built, but I think that's a waste of time. The question for their competitors should be how to finish when they have a slow start. That's really Coppermine's one weakness. Couple of bad bounces, a little flat in the first 10 minutes, and an opponent can find themselves in the fight, with a small lead, tied, etc. Aces figured it out--once--last summer when Coppermine was at full strength. That's what Hero's, Eagle Stix, and M&D, should focus on, instead of parents whining about very talented players doing what very talented players do.

If not for a bungled stall that was working really well until an ill-advised pass - Eagle Stix would have won in regulation this weekend.

Never understood the stall tactics of Eagle Stix. They have enough offensive power to score and keep pushing. I think they play better when they don't stall unless they are up by a few goals with 3 minutes or less or so.

It actually was working really well and they got it down to the last minute or so, then a player made a...rough... pass that went straight to #14 stick.