Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Takeaways after a few tourneys.

Coppermine and Eagle Stix are as good as they were last year; and Coppermine isn't at full strength yet. Very strong teams, no real weaknesses in any phase. Will take a special effort, with some really good luck, for the rest of the top 15 to beat either one.

Looks like Hero's has been next best, but had a tough game with Eagle Stix over the weekend. M&D has had some good results, winning the games they are supposed to win, keeping it close against the top two. MDU will still be a factor this year. Somebody asked above if they had adjusted to changed roster--it looks like it. Good team, plays very tough defense. Well-coached.

Hard to say where Crush is at. They look the same in the eye test but have had some mixed results. Sky Walkers hasn't started clicking yet, but it would be hard to live up to the expectations from their boosters on this thread in any event.

Maybe today is the day that this board recognizes that Coppermine and Eagle Stix are in a different tier than everyone else. Agree, no weakness on either team. Hero's may be the only team in the top 10 that may come close.

M&D doesn't look like they improved at all and is trending down not up. MDU looks fast but also somewhat on the smaller size. Crush will always be there with their coaching. Skywalkers may need more time to bring the new players together, but will be better as the year goes on.

Right now its Coppermine and Eagle Stix.
Mostly agree, but would say that SW really doesn't look as good as last spring and may sadly trend down. M&D is confusing, not sure why the Black team isn't stronger, but both Red and West are very good B teams. Seems like some moving players, realignment could make a stronger Black team.

Its clearly ES and Coppermine as the top two. They are just too big and athletic for the other teams. Too bad they didn't play one another Sunday.

Heroes is alone at Tier 2 and than you have crush, MDU, M&D and can throw Pride in there for tier three. after that its everyone else. Based on results from this weekend it seems Aces has regressed quite a bit so not sure where to place them. SW has a lot of work to do.

I wish I knew what happened to Crush this weekend, because I probably would have put them in Tier 2 with Hero's a week ago. Though I am normally skeptical of such arguments, I think I would accept that Crush was missing key players due to their significant drop in performance this weekend. I am not ready to accept Pride being in the same tier as M&D and MDU, though it is not totally unreasonable considering recent performance. fool.