Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous][quote=Anonymous]The guy who predicted M&D would beat Hero's here to eat my words. Nice run by Hero's at Mid-Atlantic, topping it off with a big W over Coppermine in the Championship.

I think you care a little too much about 8th grade lax. Might wanna find a secondary hobby.

Says the person reading and commenting on an 8th grade lacrosse message board on a Sunday afternoon... Some folks have limited self-awareness.

I'm pretty clear that I am all-in supporting my daughters' sports, and I like and respect the competition in the Mid-Atlantic. So all good here, thanks. I also believe in accountability, even on an Anonymous board. Hence, owning my bad prediction.

I will make a new prediction too--"new norm" guy above will also need to eat some words this season.

Good job owning up to this, respect.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hero’s 3 Coppermine 1 We have a new #1 team!
Between the Coppermine players yelling at each other and the parents blaming the referees it was pure enjoyment. This is going to be the new norm!

Hero's parent here. And I will agree that the score in a fall 20 minute game doesn't matter. Though my girl is happy to win, of course. And I will freely admit that Coppermine, on paper, is a much more talented team.

However, what happened on the field (and to a lesser degree sidelines) is a much bigger deal. If the Coppermine coaches don't eliminate this behavior by some of their "stars", this has dumpster fire potential.

If I was the Coppermine coach, the 2 players were screaming at their teammates a majority of the playoff games would be sitting for the next tournament.

Curious how the organization handles this. I know if this happened at Heros (or M&D for that matter), there would be some type of significant discipline for acting like that, embarrassing themselves and their club.
Won't be long before the supporting cast looks elsewhere...