Originally Posted by Anonymous
What every team realizes except Coppermine. Last year was their last year of success. Selfish play will only take you so far in younger years and as defenses get better Coppermine will struggle to find their footing. They don’t know or understand or want to play as a team. There are not any players that play as a team - none. They already lost to Hero’s, they won’t win Spooky Nook in Jan, they won’t win NGLL regionals, and will only win one summer tournament maybe. They have talented individuals that don’t know or want to play as a team. Last year was their final year of dominance. Hero’s and M&D will fill the role going forward because the team understands the game at the next level.

Rest in peace Coppermine. Going to be a scramble to get out.

Hope this is a jealous child that wrote this otherwise there is an adult that needs help. Or maybe a disgruntled parent that’s daughter didn’t get the PT they wanted their daughter to get. Coppermine is a great team made up of very talented, hardworking, team oriented and 13/14 year old girls Yes they lost to another very talented Hero’s team which will more than likely happen again in the future. Yes they will lose games and tournaments. This happens in sports but does change they are a great team that is taught the right way to play and plays this way. You won’t hear me [Censored] this team nor any other but these adults trashing teams … you need to grow up.