Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Maybe that's there way of telling you to stay in the B division.

Hey Karma. Every club director got the email!

I assume they made this change because people were complaining that the North/South divisions were not fair and the VA teams were complaining about traveling so far for games. Although the North/South divisions weren't always equal across age groups at least they were somewhat consistent. Hopefully if they agreed to get rid of them then some thought will go into the scheduling at each grade level to make sure things are somewhat even. With 16 teams registered for "A" and only 8 games, then you avoid 7 teams. Imagine the complaining/unfairness if one of the top teams has to play the other 4 while one of the other top teams avoids them all. Or if one of the borderline A/B teams somehow avoids the top teams and ends up in the playoffs?

Let's see if this information is actually correct before realizing the schedule will be a challenge. Lots of differing information out there right now.

We will begin building the schedule shortly once we receive all field contracts back.

Schedule Structure
We will be creating the schedule a bit differently than in years past. This is due to a high volume of requests pertaining to the changes below.
1. League Dates: March 25th - May 14th
2. League Locations: Coppermine 4 Seasons, Coppermine Norris, St. Paul's School, Garrison Forest, Howard County, Bowie White Marsh, Moose Athletic, Kent Island HS, TBD additional locations (DC suburbs).
3. We have previously broken out the teams in each division into location-based pools and the top teams from each pool have moved on to play offs. This year, we will have one large pool of teams where the top teams in the division will move on to playoffs. We will still make sure to schedule as close to an equal amount of home and away games as possible.
4. We WILL be scheduling double headers.
5. We are ending the season a weekend earlier than in years past due to the movement of the National Championship to Cary, NC. We want to make sure that winning teams have time to make or cancel travel plans dependent on league results. This means there may be no bye weekends for most teams.

We plan to have the schedule to you in the first week of February[/quote]

Thanks for the information above, yes...that is what our club saw.

There doesnt seem to be a "lots of differing information out there right now"....just differences in opinion.

Play the games you are scheduled and see where your club falls, thats all you can control.

Or you can take the approach of this forum here and...complain about the games other teams have compared to yours, criticize young ladies and clubs that SHOULD beat a team by more than they do...constantly put down the lower teams that arent in the top 4/5.

I wonder how many of the parents of the 4-5 girls on the top teams, that rarely see the field, comment here and put down other clubs. I hope they realize that they are possibly a season away from a player coming to their club leaving no spot for their child. Enjoy the ride. These are young ladies playing a game. If you are #1, enjoy being #1. But if your child isnt an impactful player on that team, what does it really mean in the long run.