Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
NGLL "A" League Teams:
3D Va Metro
Coppermine Black
Heros Green
Heros White
HOCO Balck
M&D Black
MD United East
Next Level
Pride Red
Skywalker Blue

This is not happening. Lots of issues here. They won't have an uneven amount of teams, so they will either have 14 or 16. This list forgot Limelight (was in A last year) and would be in over Metro, Hero's White and NEMS. Those 3 teams definitely don't belong in A and Metro never plays in NGLL. The only reason Metro would play NGLL is the 3D tie to 3Step and Robinson sports now, but if anything, their 28 team would play in the B division.
Player registration is now open. These are all the teams listed in the A league to register your player.

There is still time for movement. They can reshuffle of the club requests a different division