Originally Posted by Anonymous
The top 25 has a very broad spread from 1-25 in terms of competitiveness. After the top 10-15, those teams really fall off. so yes, there's really only 10-15 true A teams across all locations. Right now NJ, CT and VA don't have A teams, but B+ teams maybe.

3D Colorado AA won the Mid-Atlantic, and Urban Elite beat Coppermine at Nationals in July. LI teams often get good results against the top 10. Pride, at #19, has beat Sky Walkers 3 of the past 4, tied Aces, tied M&D, lost to Crush by 2 and 3 goals respectively, while beating other top 15 teams like LI Liberty. Philly teams like NXT have also had good results. Saying there are only 10-15 A teams is really limited.