Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Slight change of topic- assume Crush stayed together as no one reporting spotting them at any tryouts? Good for their coach. Where will the girls cut from Coppermine end up? M&D quiet- not a lot of new talent showed up at their tryouts, they lost some players and girls declined roster spots…that’s got to be a first for M&D

Seems M&D having issues with several grad years, by issues, I mean, talent leaving and not a lot wanting to go there. They still will be cream of crop of things def changing.

As always, M&D is just fine. Unless PPs were at tryouts and know what kind of “talent” coaches are looking for, I’m not sure they’re in a great place to say. The fact is, there were many girls at tryouts (for all years that I saw), so there certainly seem to be girls who want to play at M&D. The 28 black team had a normal amount of turnover, but they already had a very small roster so they’ll probably have to add more new players than is typical. Overall they are a very nice and talented group of girls that seems to enjoy playing together. Which is ultimately what matters.