Interesting rebels make the first move sending out travel email season update.
Hope everyone is doing well, and is safe. We are reaching out to give you guys an update on the upcoming season.

There is a lot of uncertainty with fields, tournaments, governement regulations, etc.

With all of this in mind, we have decided to extend the season until the end of Summer 2021. There will be no tryouts, or tryout fee as usual. There will only be a supplemental tryout to fill any available spots in the fall. The details of what we will be able to attend, practice, scrimmage, train this summer will effect the overall credit that each family will receive. This is a very fluid situation, and once we all have a better understanding of a return date, this will be finalized. Once we are able to see the total value that each family paid for, versus what they received we will make this decision. We will work to avoid any unneccesary costs going forward through the end of 2021, and will break any future payments up into 10 Monthly Installments with the understanding this virus has had an economic impact on many.

Tournaments are changing their dates on a daily basis, as regulations come in and change. Please currently ignore any scheduled changes, or information until there is a blanket update provided by us on tournament schedule.

We have the safety of our players and their families in mind as we make these decisions, and will phase our re-opening with appropriate measures. This will include actions such as practices, trainings, filmed scrimmages for recruiting ages, and mid-week round robin/tournament play until bigger events are allowed.

Specifically for the 2021 age group, we are working with tournament directors and there will be 2021 brackets this fall and possibly next summer for recruiting purposes if the summer season is shortened.