Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Continue to be fooled. WSYL is over, 2025's will fall to the bottom of the blog like the rest of them.

The WSYL likely being canceled would be the best thing to happen to the 2025 class.

Likely? Dr. Fauci put a stake through the heart of that tournament. The kids aren't going back to school until June 1 at the earliest, and Colorado is probably two or three weeks behind New York in the outbreak wave. Anyone who is thinking that a lacrosse tournament will happen while the government is projecting up to 200,000 dead and 30% unemployment is out of their mind. The WSYL is not happening.

Thank God. I am thrilled... absolutely estatic.

What is thrilling? We are midst of a global crisis? Kids miss out on something they have been working for? HS seniors are robbed of the best part of senior year? I can go on. SMH

I think the writer was referring to the WSYL. You’re reading too deeply. Take a breath, everything will play out eventually.