Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Did Geese Fold? Went from first to worst in one season what happened?

Geese are in bad shape. All of their top players have jumped ship. Just left with a few decent players. They were a legit team a couple of years ago in this age group. Now you just feel bad for the players who stayed behind.

There were a handful of players who left. Most stayed and are still staying. I have watched this team. There are good players on this team. But like anything else they need to really work hard practicing to be competitive. They need to step it up. You can tell when you watch if kids are going home hitting the wall, doing extra clinics, etc... That's what makes the difference between the talented kid and the great kid. And kids who do that will gravitate to teams with like minded kids. It's not just about hanging out anymore with your friends and playing. It's a mindset. Geese have talented kids, most of them. They just need to get the right mindset. And they can come back. I would not count them out.