Originally Posted by Anonymous
I took my family last year... Close to $6K. A lot of money but it was great, probably hotter than you would think though.

My kids team got smoked but it was still a great time. On age level sounds like a cake-walk but it really wasn't.
Illinois team was good and BBL vs Wolfpack game was best I've seen. IMHO BBL would have beaten Legacy by 8+.

All that aside, the issue comes down to when L.I. doesn't win or even have a team in finals. I'm a L.I. guy with kids that play but everywhere else just seems to be concentrating on lacrosse and getting better. They travel to every tournament they play in (hotels, air, etc.), I would imagine they spend 10K or more easily a season. Sounds nuts but I don't think they have a choice.

I don't really have a point with this, just enjoy the game. Make sure your kid likes it and is getting better.

This site is full of Daddy Ball issues and $$$. Soon it will be just a second rate forum complaining about Middle school lacrosse.

Let the BASHING begin!!!!

Same here - our family went this past summer. Almost 9K all in since we made a vacation out of it (came to Denver early). Great experience for my son. My daughters were troopers. Some thoughts for those going this year. 1) Seeding matters. Make it a goal to win the regional qualifier. It will be an easier path to success in Denver. Otherwise, your team will have a hard time getting out of pool play (4 groups of 6 teams, top 2 teams advance from each group) 2) Like the poster said, it is HOT! but dry. Many teams had party tents and chairs rentals setup before they got there. This is a great idea. Siblings used it alot. 3) If you can, go there a couple of days early to get acclimated to the altitude. Setup practice/training days and setup a scrimmage (there are HS fields you can use in Denver). Few family members had minor altitude sickness. 4) It takes a village. Our team was lucky to have organized team parents leaders that managed logistics and team costs.

Hope all of you here get to go and have a great experience with your families this year. Godd luck.

PS to the op, raincheck. I'll bash you in my next post.