Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
TB has nothing. Their goalie is best kid on squad but he cant score, can he? They have no 91 or Coach C scraps. They have hitmen and outlaw castoffs along with PAL kids. In the fall they looked terrible. Not sure what changed in 3.5 months? Do you?

Their goalie plays for roar / regulators too

Goalie isn't the only one. 4 or 5 TB kids are playing for Regulators

Actually your wrong. Goalie does play for Regulators but not ROAR. They do have kids from all programs now. In Fall they were playing alot of what is now the B team kids to see who was useful for the spring and summer. Because Fall Tourneys are BS anyway. Too Be honest Express is def the top of heap but 91 is a very distant second.

But seriously for you to know this much about other 7th grade lax teams is pathetic. Almost Stalkerish... Get a life