Secret practices, secret get together. Really dude. You think a group of 13 year old boys are able to keep secrets. If kids on the same team, go outside and throw the ball around, shoot on a cage, good for them. Yesterday late afternoon, I saw about 200 kids on our high school field, playing soccer, playing lacrosse, playing football, riding bikes. Adults walking and running on the track. Is this wrong to do? I say no. Being inside, in crowded places I wouldn’t be ok with. The season is over, both school and club. No team is getting an edge on anyone, because there are no tournaments, no season, no WSYL. Nothing. It’s simply kids playing together and having fun and hopefully improving. For all those people who had their kids, bounce from team to team to team over the past 5 years to go Denver, it was all for nothing. Not to mention looking like fools along the way.