Wow. This board just jumped the shark. Grammar insults?

Let me tell you what happened over the last few pages.

-Express is the top team in the age group. That is not up for debate.
-People bash Express because they have big numbers, but really just because they are so much better than everyone else and parents wish their kid's played for them.
-Express plays in as many tourneys as they can and people on the team are enjoying their experience.
-91 parents think they should get more respect. They won't get it.
-91 is the second best team, but too inconsistent to be in the same class as Express.
-People bash 91 because they want to try to bring them down to their son's club team's level. They are not. They are still much much better than everyone besides Express, but have lost several games they probably could have won.
-91 doesn't play in as many Fall or Spring tourneys, but have an excellent winter training/box schedule which keeps them busier and practicing more than any other club team on the age group.
-Geese parents used to be crazy and talked a bunch a few years back, so now everyone is happy to see them struggle.
-The Geese parents who have bounced around are now trashing Express and 91 because their boys were unable to sustain the level of play they had when they were in 4th grade and can't stay on a top team.
-Gold Rush and Rebels have good competitive teams, but are not in the same class as the top 2.
-There are many other clubs with many kids that are working hard to get better every year; however, these teams are likely not in the conversation with the teams mentioned. And that is 100% ok.