Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Rebels team scored 7 goals in 3 games, despite being bolstered by a few 2024s. Take out those add-ons, and you get the same picture of that team as you saw last year: nothing to get excited about. GoldRush looks promising, Regulators are spunky. From the last 14 days of tournaments, it looks like

1. Express, and it's not even close

2. Prime Time
3. R$SH GoldRush

4-9 Force, Regulators, Rebels, Igloo, Legacy, S2S - depending on who's doing what that day

Team 91, built on defections from other teams, is afraid of karma coming back and biting it in the rear end, so they've avoided playing anyone this fall to make sure nervous parents don't jump ship by Christmas. Pretty lame. Here's to rooting for R$SH GoldRush, Force, Rebels, Legacy, Igloo, CSH anyone really, beating them. The panic will be enjoyable to watch.

For many, Regulators are a secondary club - Nearly all of the kids on that squad will be playing for other clubs during the club season. Nice in theory, but will only be a cause for headache as the spring/summer season gets rolling

Regarding Regulators, the coach needs to commit to Roar or Regulators, can't do both...not fair to the parents or more importantly the players.