What does an older kid have to do with scoring goals? For starters, Rebels and others who go that route do so because they admit their talent pool at the 2025 level is lacking. So, to supplement it, they bring down older kids. Are those older kids better than some 2025s? No, not necessarily. But they are better than what the Rebels already have at the 2025 level? Yes. Otherwise, why bother? Does that directly lead to an increase in goals? No. Does it mean that the Rebels would score more goals with older add-ons than they would if they only played their 2025 talent? Yes. But there's the thing: anytime you see an organization (Rebels, Rupaul/Rushpoop/R$SH, whomever) add older kids what they're telegraphing to the world is: hey, we don't have enough talent at the 2025 level, so we're going to paper over our holes with older kids, who may or may not be better than Express' 2025 kids, but at least they're better than any options we have with our 2025 players. So when you see organizations adding older players, do yourselves a favor: run away as fast as you can and join an organization that only plays 2025 kids (like Express, for example, or some others). At least you know your organization is being honest with you and your kid's development.