Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The Breakers 2022 won it all last year and have a great shot at repeating (despite what the whining diamonbacks say)

That wasn't a Breakers 2022 team. It was a U11 team of mostly 2021 kids playing down in the U11 B division which was for 2022s

Breakers played within the rules and won. Get your excuses ready for when it happens again next year.


Let me get this straight. Crabs is cheating with their holdbacks, but playing down is ok? How'd breakers 2022 do last weekend? [/quote]

Breaker hater. They didn't play down. They played in U11A appropriate age bracket. You are ignorant as the NPYLL last year had no grade based leagues. They were trying to make grade based teams and age based teams mesh into a league. The NPYLL allowed 7 players to be to old to be appropriate age( U11). The older teams played U11AA. Breakers had Zero of these players to old to play U11 and a young team, So they played in A Diversion. So hopefully since you need to get this straight as it means so much to you, You straight now jerk..[/quote]

New to this discussion, but the NPYLL rules said that if you played in A, you could have a max of 6 players that were in 5th grade. So no, they didn't play in the division they should have. [/quote]

This is true. My son got picked up in February last year by a team in the A division and he wasn't allowed to play in games unless one of the other 5th graders could not make it that week. He only played in 2 Spring games and then played with them all summer. [/quote

You are both full of it and dont know what you are talking about. It was 7 players allowed not 5 first of all. This was more to accommodate the kids that were U11 playing U9, U13 playing U11,U15 playing U13 not the A and AA brackets. Now remember this was only after the NPYLL started last year as a age based league. Once the HOCO starting draining some grade based teams NPYLL tried to keep some grade based teams along with age based teams. The Hawks or Diamondbacks cant remember which, had something on their website about they would figure out where to play but go out by your grade ???
Out of 14 teams only 3 had a grade attached to them which also meant you could have holdbacks , most of the rest were U11 teams. not 4th grade teams.
Many of the teams were a mix of first and second year U11 players. Like in previous seasons the AA was the older teams and the A was the younger teams. The Breakers last year had half second year and half first year ( they only had 14 players total) This year half are still playing 2022 ( as it is all grade base now).
Are you from the either Hawks or Diamondback. They both beat the Breakers in regular season then lost in Championship series to Breakers. If you are get over it. It is U11???
Breakers played where they should have last year in a screwed up league that was both grade/age based league and letting 7 players in who shouldn't have. This year it is easy, it is grade base..no worries about 5,7,9 extra older players.
You guys are whiners . Nice effort acting like a different poster whiner.