You do make a point in regards to notification. If it is valid or not, well...that is not my call. I can tell you from personal experience that it really stinks to watch your son/daughter try-out....put themselves "out there", and then left hanging in the breeze. If I can give you some advice on dealing with the situation, I think it will be of some help. I personally have never played lacrosse, but I did play football right through college. My son plays both lax and football. You need to drop the anger of not hearing from the club. It is not going to get your son on the team. Most clubs do not notify you if you didn't make it, although it would be nice. The best thing to do, is first praise and congratulate your child for trying something that puts him/her in harms way. This game is rough and not for everyone. Tell him/her straight that you don't think they made the team, but try to help them get better by putting the stick in their hand and praticing. I'm glad the tryouts are competitive....this is sports and it needs to be competitive. Of course you want the kids to grow and develop, but let's be honest....they said on the flyer they were looking for "quality" not "quantity"......Every kid desereves to play...but not all will make an elite level is up to the kids to practice and the parents to seek out the appropriate program......Im so tired of the sense of entitlement is crippling our youth.........Be happy that the kids have the courage to try, and do your best to son did not make any team last year....he worked his butt off on his own and made a team this year........lesson hard and results will come with anything you do........Hope this helps