Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Elevate, and I hate to say it, is no different than any other money worshipping travel lax program...Dave does have best social media and his ability to pat himself on the back every chance he gets is amazing--try to find a picture anywhere where his melon isn't in the picture--its all about the kids, right DK?..but they are all the same and money rules the roost...hey, if you were a director like DK, wouldn't you take every free trip you could that was paid for by the parents?..Florida in November sounds good to me--especially when its on someone else's dime...

It's remarkable to me how people spend so much time and energy bashing Dave Kotowski when they really don't know what they're talking about. It always seems like sour grapes to me and only shows that Dave and Elevate are a force to be reckoned with. Is a travel lacrosse director not allowed to make a living? Dave works tirelessly about 8 days a week and deserves to earn money. You constant bashers just sound ridiculous. How does Dave garner free trips exactly? I have been to Florida in November with Dave and you know what he's doing? He's speaking with hundreds of college coaches every day (I know you say he and his daughter have no relationships with college coaches- that is laughable), he is attending every game and coaching every team that he reasonably can, he is arranging for his players and their families to spend time together and have fun, he is fielding calls from coaches, and in many cases (I have seen it numerous times), he is walking off the field with an offer from a coach for one or more players each day he is there. Is Florida in November nice? It sure is when you are an Elevate player and you are in the company of Dave Kotowski. Whoever you are, sitting at home trying to tarnish Dave's reputation, keep it up. You are likely a bitter parent, or a competitor. Dave must be doing something right to have you so interested in him. He is busy working and building Elevate so he doesn't have the time to respond to your BS.

The 26 2018 blue players might agree with you but the 12 girls left on red might disagree. If he's walking off the field with multiple offers from coaches then who's getting them? Only 3 commits for 2018 so far.