Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I am not a team li parent but why would anyone care what grade a kid was in if he/she played on an age appropriate team?

What advantage does being in a higher grade give any player?

I can understand why people get so incensed about holdbacks because the additional year of growth is certainly an advantage.

But for the love of all things, please explain what advantage a young 8th grader has over a 7th grader if they were both born in the same summer? Just doesn't make any rational sense.

Someone explained it well earlier. 8th graders playing against 9th graders is a real disadvantage. The one year of playing HS lacrosse is a big step up from Jr HS. The other argument is , why would a HS player want to play down? That makes less sense. Especially at a showcase

If your pissed at holdbacks now, wait till next year. Take look at the age legit kids that just finished 9th grade in your town and travel team. Do you see any age legit 6'2" -6'4" middies? Do you see any defenseman the same size but 215 lbs of solid mass? If you do they are not physically mature. However, here you will see this... You will also see kids who have reclassed two times and have just completed the 9th grade for the THIRD time. You will also see early commits look like just another "GOOD" player. Buckle in, it is absolute insanity...