Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
To actual combine teams to create a super duper team to win, defeats the purpose of the event. Think about it. Well our team couldn’t win, but the 4 teams combined beat the actual legit team. If this happens, this has become a joke. So the WSYL champs are the Maryland All Star team.

Little League World Series teams are all/mostly all star teams and that doesn't seem to have defeated the purpose of that event.

I do agree with the prior poster saying that a 100 mile radius is pretty ridiculous. Should be something tighter, maybe like 15 - 25 miles.

The Little League baseball teams are All star teams, correct, but they are all star teams that pull from local rec teams. Sure there are going to be kids that come from a little distance to play in that rec league that year so they can qualify for that all star team. There is no open tryout though like the post mentioned for baseball.

100 miles is absurd. If you can locate a dominant FO or goalie within that radius and ship them in for the WSYL it is a huge unfair advantage in my eyes. Anyone want to travel from Stanford CT to LI for practice? Uh, no. It would take 3 hours to get there in the afternoon. There's a reason there is Express North, and Express NJ now. it is a totally separate market.