Originally Posted by Anonymous
Desperately looking for a club that does not play favorites and play "daddy ball". Tell me where the clubs are that ask you to pay 2k and play the kids that are the best without the nonsense. I'm not seeing it.. FCA, Crabs, Looneys, Hawks, Bethesda , Club Blue, MadLax, Next Level, all Have Dad coaches that absolutely play favorites.... This crap is getting old. Please give me one club that is just pure lacrosse and development without the BS... I can't name one. This is getting old and with tryouts coming in a month I have no idea on what to do.....I wish a club would step up and quit the BS

I hate to break it to you, but club is just like rec but with nicer uniforms and more summer tournaments. Also the clubs don't have the county chipping in to help pay for fields. It is still the dads with the most experience coaching the teams. All dad coaches are doing it because they are doing what they feel is best for their kid.