Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
#11 on SYAG was a very good defender.

What's the criteria for "very good"? People didn't bring up the tall kid from the other team because his parents aren't on here telling everyone how good he is. But now you classless SYAG parents want to take shots at him? Typical. For the record, the team may have had a +20 goal differential, but they weren't on him. One person questioned your kids age and you say that another kid is also tall but he sucks so no one talks about it? Newsflash, his dad is very tall. Lots more growing to do. I had the displeasure of watching the game next to the SYAG kids dad. Guess what? The kid is probably about full height already. Let's compare them when they're in HS, shall we?

I am #11's mom and I'll tell you that my husband and I haven't been on here commenting because we've been working but I'll say this....our kid is a good kid, not just a good player, he's a good kid. Do you know how many grown men approach him at tournaments to interrogate him on his age, grade and where he lives? It's despicable! Ive had to personally intercept and save him from a stranger's verbal attack. He's 12! If your displeasure of watching the game next to my husband was because he was cheering on our son, too bad. If it was because you were the one that was trash talking him accusing him of being older and he finally had enough, and said something to your face instead of hiding on an anonymous forum, also too bad. To those that have complimented his efforts, thank you. He truly loves the game and his coaches. To everyone else, what he does this year and next year is none of your business really but you can see me at the next tournament if you feel the burning need to ask questions. My name is Lisa, leave him alone.

Get over it, and yourself, "Lisa". I don't even know which kid you're all taking about because there was a bunch of big defenders there. They stood out because they were tall. If he's 11 or 12, whoopidy doo! The fact is most tall kids are holdbacks so deal with it. If they're not, they went through puberty extremely early and have done most of their growing. Either way, If you think his life is in danger because of all of the grown men accosting him at tournaments, try putting him in cheerleading. I'm sure he'd make a great base.

I didn't see anyone say his life was in danger. Do YOU think that's appropriate behavior for a grown man to approach a 12 year old? You prob do, you're prob one of them. Go somewhere else to talk about when boys reach puberty and who makes a great base. I'm sure you know know all about that. This is a lax forum.