Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If LI wasn't so stupid to travel to MD and Philly every weekend, then maybe those teams would come to us. They're not stupid. They know they have plenty of their own good teams why waste the money. Keep pounding your chest Dad. Sounds like you need a reality check

You mean like NLF on LI? Last June, Eclipse (CT), BLC, Crabs and Annapolis Hawks (Md), Primetime and Express North (Upstate), Leading Edge (NJ), Big 4 HHH and Superstar (Pa) and Laxachusettes (Ma) came into town? And the next NLF on LI in July? Maybe your team doesn't get to play in the right tournaments. Teams don't have to. They choose to because the coaches, parents and players want to.

2 tournaments those teams come up here in exchange for us going down there 2 times. That seems fair enough. Plus, some teams (Madlax comes to mind) play in laxfest. Get your facts straight before you complain.