Originally Posted by Anonymous
Again, whether one be a DK admirer/supporter or DK hater/detractor, you will be hard pressed to find ANY Travel Lax director who elicits so much emotion from both sides. I think its fair to say that not ALL of the detractors are nasty, evil or "vile" people who want to take him down. I would like to think there some good and decent people who just feel wronged and want to vent. And what better place to do that than BotC?
Just as not ALL of his supporters are family members of DK or relations. I am sure that there are good folks on his side as well.

I would like to believe those things too. Along with the Easter Bunny, tooth fairy and Santa!

If unhappy , go somewhere else!! What a terrible world where people just type away and bit@ch about people anonymously. If you have a gripe , put a name to it!