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BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2029-7th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous 5 hours ago
Rebels quietly amassing a very competitive/dominant team while 91 and Express continue to take $ from its starstruck parents raising tuition to cover all the scholarships handed out to give to outside players taking spots of loyal players. Igloo on the way down even if they merge with Legacy. Maybe add Moose and make it a trifecta merger.
1,341 299,346 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous 6 hours ago
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Clearly someone needs to be talking about this team. I bought my son to the tryout and inquired why there were so few blue 91 helmets. I was told by a parent on Venom that Surge is the Hills PAL team and they don’t have to try out. No thank you! PAL talent for that cost!?? I’ll pass.

Surge parent here. Definitely NOT the case, and honestly very sad to hear that the venom parents would say this. We should be one club supporting each other. My son is not from hills and most of the team is definitely not from hills. The boys who are from hills deserve to be there and yes, like MANY OTHER TEAMS on LI who have a HS coach also coaching club teams (or daddy ball where a friend gets to play more than they maybe deserve), they like to stick with the coach who will also coach them at the HS level where it truly matters.

BOTC needs a like button. Hop off Surge. Good team, great people and can’t wait to see how they continue to thrive over the next few years.
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous 6 hours ago
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Surge lost some talent, but sometimes that talent can be more of a problem. In this case the players and parents thought they were better than the team. And when that is the case, it is time to move on. If those players were so good, why did they land on Shore and Express Orange? Maybe they aren’t as a good as they think? Time to look in the mirror.

I am an Express parent and I met the right attack parents that came over from Surge at tryouts. They said nothing but nice things about the coaches,kids and parents so doesn’t seem like they thought they were better. You are allowed to want more for your kid, isn’t that parenting?Their kid made Chucks Black not Orange and from what I saw deserved to,he’s good. Also heard the LSM went to Venom. So looks to me like Surge is developing good talent and the kids are simply moving on. That’s a compliment to Surge.

Well said! How about we respectfully move on from Surge?

They’ll be fine! Good core of players and kids will continue to grow physically and get better.

Any updates on LegRush? S2S new roster? Heard Venom has 8/9 poles now? Also hearing express upgraded offensively after losing 2 good players and moved some pieces around with E North as well. Seems like upfraded/Venom will hold 1 & 2 spots on the island still.

Express upgraded offensively??
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Surge lost some talent, but sometimes that talent can be more of a problem. In this case the players and parents thought they were better than the team. And when that is the case, it is time to move on. If those players were so good, why did they land on Shore and Express Orange? Maybe they aren’t as a good as they think? Time to look in the mirror.

I am an Express parent and I met the right attack parents that came over from Surge at tryouts. They said nothing but nice things about the coaches,kids and parents so doesn’t seem like they thought they were better. You are allowed to want more for your kid, isn’t that parenting?Their kid made Chucks Black not Orange and from what I saw deserved to,he’s good. Also heard the LSM went to Venom. So looks to me like Surge is developing good talent and the kids are simply moving on. That’s a compliment to Surge.

Well said! How about we respectfully move on from Surge?

They’ll be fine! Good core of players and kids will continue to grow physically and get better.

Any updates on LegRush? S2S new roster? Heard Venom has 8/9 poles now? Also hearing express upgraded offensively after losing 2 good players and moved some pieces around with E North as well. Seems like upfraded/Venom will hold 1 & 2 spots on the island still.

Express upgraded offensively??

I’m a reclass FLY IN parent. Yup they did.

A lot of @ChillLaxin talking in this group. Have your kid get better so you don’t have to keyboard cowboy about children. Cause ultimately that’s what we are talking about. Babies.
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BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2027-9th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous 7 hours ago
Me too!
152 42,950 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous 7 hours ago
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Where did chucks goalie go? Let go by venom, let go by chucks
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2032-4th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous 8 hours ago
Rebels also added 3-4 VERY good ones.
564 122,721 more...
MARYLAND FORUM Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028 Grads - Mid Atlantic Region Anonymous 8 hours ago
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Has FCA not played in a month? Don't get me wrong, that seems like a blissfully early end to summer lacrosse, it just seems odd but that's what it looks like from USCL.

FCA doesn't play in July. 3 tournaments and they are done.

Glorious. #1 program in the area regardless of rankings.
11,250 2,430,181 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous 8 hours ago
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Clearly someone needs to be talking about this team. I bought my son to the tryout and inquired why there were so few blue 91 helmets. I was told by a parent on Venom that Surge is the Hills PAL team and they don’t have to try out. No thank you! PAL talent for that cost!?? I’ll pass.

Surge parent here. Definitely NOT the case, and honestly very sad to hear that the venom parents would say this. We should be one club supporting each other. My son is not from hills and most of the team is definitely not from hills. The boys who are from hills deserve to be there and yes, like MANY OTHER TEAMS on LI who have a HS coach also coaching club teams (or daddy ball where a friend gets to play more than they maybe deserve), they like to stick with the coach who will also coach them at the HS level where it truly matters.

Surge dad- no venom parent said this. We are a program and move kids back and forth as deserved. Coaching is not matched. And more important we have team atmospheres that many other clubs lack. Don’t by into the bs on here. You’ve seen our boys in both directions cheering for the other team at tourneys
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous 8 hours ago
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Clearly someone needs to be talking about this team. I bought my son to the tryout and inquired why there were so few blue 91 helmets. I was told by a parent on Venom that Surge is the Hills PAL team and they don’t have to try out. No thank you! PAL talent for that cost!?? I’ll pass.

Surge parent here. Definitely NOT the case, and honestly very sad to hear that the venom parents would say this. We should be one club supporting each other. My son is not from hills and most of the team is definitely not from hills. The boys who are from hills deserve to be there and yes, like MANY OTHER TEAMS on LI who have a HS coach also coaching club teams (or daddy ball where a friend gets to play more than they maybe deserve), they like to stick with the coach who will also coach them at the HS level where it truly matters.
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous 8 hours ago
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Venom pole went to ece, venom attack/mid went to legrush, venom pole undecided

Also one venom pole went to surge.
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 11:40 PM
How so? Have you seen the number of commits. Wins and losses don’t matter
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 11:39 PM
Where did chucks goalie go? Let go by venom, let go by chucks
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 09:22 PM
There is a real unhealthy obsession with certain teams, particularly surge. They are a good team for a second team. A very good second team actually. And I know nothing about the coaches but they constantly put them in tough tournaments. That’s great for development.
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2029-7th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Bashing must be coming from Chaos. Their attack other than X is very suspect. Righty if open has quick wrists and dangerous but typically not against top poles who smother him due to lack of speed and agility. Lefty attack being protected by daddy ball. Wouldn’t play close to the minutes he does on any of the top LI teams and definitely wouldn’t start. Reality will hit them hard soon. 91 begging for players and trying to poach with promises of starting and free rides. Continue to bolster defense which didn’t need bolstering. Those defenders and parents must be so happy that team remained loyal - Ha! Fly-ins coming soon to challenge reclasses of Xpress.

Multiple Venom kids are reclassing. Another year and that Chaos attack situation will look quite different. That’s been common knowledge for awhile now. If you were a prospective parent with a child being approached by 91, you would probably take that into account before committing to them. In fact, any player looking to go to 91 or Express should do their homework on the kids from the ‘28 teams. 91 was hardly the only team poaching this year. I’ve seen this in 2 or 3 posts now about them poaching, like they are the only ones. Express took the cake this year, giving free club tuition and high school perks.

Express 2029’s has three former 2028’s on its roster.
1,341 299,346 more...
MARYLAND FORUM Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028 Grads - Mid Atlantic Region Anonymous Yesterday at 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Has FCA not played in a month? Don't get me wrong, that seems like a blissfully early end to summer lacrosse, it just seems odd but that's what it looks like from USCL.

FCA doesn't play in July. 3 tournaments and they are done.
11,250 2,430,181 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2027-9th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Best win of the tourney was Kings taking down Lax Black 16-17 year olds 8-5 in the semis of NLF. That team was 34-0 through the fall and summer. Bet Machine was glad they didn’t have to face them in the final.

I would think an OT goal in the championship game would be “best win of the tournament”
152 42,950 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 05:40 PM
Venom pole went to ece, venom attack/mid went to legrush, venom pole undecided
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 04:57 PM
Calling it early
Leg rush
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BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2029-7th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Bashing must be coming from Chaos. Their attack other than X is very suspect. Righty if open has quick wrists and dangerous but typically not against top poles who smother him due to lack of speed and agility. Lefty attack being protected by daddy ball. Wouldn’t play close to the minutes he does on any of the top LI teams and definitely wouldn’t start. Reality will hit them hard soon. 91 begging for players and trying to poach with promises of starting and free rides. Continue to bolster defense which didn’t need bolstering. Those defenders and parents must be so happy that team remained loyal - Ha! Fly-ins coming soon to challenge reclasses of Xpress.

Multiple Venom kids are reclassing. Another year and that Chaos attack situation will look quite different. That’s been common knowledge for awhile now. If you were a prospective parent with a child being approached by 91, you would probably take that into account before committing to them. In fact, any player looking to go to 91 or Express should do their homework on the kids from the ‘28 teams. 91 was hardly the only team poaching this year. I’ve seen this in 2 or 3 posts now about them poaching, like they are the only ones. Express took the cake this year, giving free club tuition and high school perks.
1,341 299,346 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Surge lost some talent, but sometimes that talent can be more of a problem. In this case the players and parents thought they were better than the team. And when that is the case, it is time to move on. If those players were so good, why did they land on Shore and Express Orange? Maybe they aren’t as a good as they think? Time to look in the mirror.

I am an Express parent and I met the right attack parents that came over from Surge at tryouts. They said nothing but nice things about the coaches,kids and parents so doesn’t seem like they thought they were better. You are allowed to want more for your kid, isn’t that parenting?Their kid made Chucks Black not Orange and from what I saw deserved to,he’s good. Also heard the LSM went to Venom. So looks to me like Surge is developing good talent and the kids are simply moving on. That’s a compliment to Surge.

Well said! How about we respectfully move on from Surge?

They’ll be fine! Good core of players and kids will continue to grow physically and get better.

Any updates on LegRush? S2S new roster? Heard Venom has 8/9 poles now? Also hearing express upgraded offensively after losing 2 good players and moved some pieces around with E North as well. Seems like upfraded/Venom will hold 1 & 2 spots on the island still.

Express upgraded offensively??
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2032-4th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 04:20 PM
Rebels lost one player, not sure how out of contention they are, but this next season will show.
564 122,721 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2029-7th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 04:18 PM
Bashing must be coming from Chaos. Their attack other than X is very suspect. Righty if open has quick wrists and dangerous but typically not against top poles who smother him due to lack of speed and agility. Lefty attack being protected by daddy ball. Wouldn’t play close to the minutes he does on any of the top LI teams and definitely wouldn’t start. Reality will hit them hard soon. 91 begging for players and trying to poach with promises of starting and free rides. Continue to bolster defense which didn’t need bolstering. Those defenders and parents must be so happy that team remained loyal - Ha! Fly-ins coming soon to challenge reclasses of Xpress.
1,341 299,346 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Surge lost some talent, but sometimes that talent can be more of a problem. In this case the players and parents thought they were better than the team. And when that is the case, it is time to move on. If those players were so good, why did they land on Shore and Express Orange? Maybe they aren’t as a good as they think? Time to look in the mirror.

I am an Express parent and I met the right attack parents that came over from Surge at tryouts. They said nothing but nice things about the coaches,kids and parents so doesn’t seem like they thought they were better. You are allowed to want more for your kid, isn’t that parenting?Their kid made Chucks Black not Orange and from what I saw deserved to,he’s good. Also heard the LSM went to Venom. So looks to me like Surge is developing good talent and the kids are simply moving on. That’s a compliment to Surge.

Well said! How about we respectfully move on from Surge?

They’ll be fine! Good core of players and kids will continue to grow physically and get better.

Any updates on LegRush? S2S new roster? Heard Venom has 8/9 poles now? Also hearing express upgraded offensively after losing 2 good players and moved some pieces around with E North as well. Seems like upfraded/Venom will hold 1 & 2 spots on the island still.
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Surge lost some talent, but sometimes that talent can be more of a problem. In this case the players and parents thought they were better than the team. And when that is the case, it is time to move on. If those players were so good, why did they land on Shore and Express Orange? Maybe they aren’t as a good as they think? Time to look in the mirror.

I am an Express parent and I met the right attack parents that came over from Surge at tryouts. They said nothing but nice things about the coaches,kids and parents so doesn’t seem like they thought they were better. You are allowed to want more for your kid, isn’t that parenting?Their kid made Chucks Black not Orange and from what I saw deserved to,he’s good. Also heard the LSM went to Venom. So looks to me like Surge is developing good talent and the kids are simply moving on. That’s a compliment to Surge.
1,230 280,224 more...
BOTC MAIN FORUM (LI, CT, WC) Jump to new posts
Re: Boys 2028-8th Grade Fall 2023/Summer 2024 Anonymous Yesterday at 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
When people take shots at coaches it is clear they have no idea what they are talking about. Unless your son has been coached by that person, please dont make a comment. The Hills coach is excellent, and has developed some of the top players in the country. No your stuff before you blast someone on here.

You don’t need your kid coached by him to have eyeballs and determine nasty behavior. And those top kids probably have a story or 2 to tell as well. If you’re defending that hope you’ve started saving for therapy! Yelling,”You $u!&!” Isn’t actually developmental.
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