Originally Posted by Anonymous

Why not just own it since "holdbacks are a thing and aren't breaking the rules?" Why scrub social media mentions of kids' birthdays and lie to other parents about their age? Talk about super invested and weird....."the world can't know how old my kid is, we need other parents to think he's younger!" "Carsten, stop telling the other kids your age!!! SHhhhh!"

Weirder yet........telling your kids that they have to keep quiet about the fact that you believe they can only compete against little kids.

Want to hold kids back? Cool. Own it. "Yeah my kid is two years older, and so what, he's phenomenal compared to your kid." "Graysson, you're 2 years older than those kids, take control of the game!"


I'm starting to think this is why no one care about professional lacrosse. The kids that grow up playing have such a bad experience with the youth club lacrosse shenanigan's that by the time they get out of school they detest it.

Look at MLS. Stadiums are completely packed. I never hear the soccer kids being obsessed with college or playing professionally. They have a great time playing, there's no cheating, and the fan base stays.

The youth soccer demographics are completely mixed both socio economically and racially.

If club lacrosse cared at all about the future of the sport, they would make things fair, go on age, and stop the sport from being run by the private school elitists.